Hi there,
You are reading this page, so you've already gone a long way towards good preparation of MT tasks. Nice work! There are only a couple of questions to answer before you could start your first tasks:
- How to get a CodEx account
- How to login to CodEx
- How to pick a task to solve
- How to submit a solution for evaluation
You heard the word CodEx (The Code Examiner: As you might know, all the tasks of MT talks are designed in CodEx system. This page serves as a guide for newcomers who has little to no experience with CodEx.
How to get a CodEx account
Before venturing your journey though all the tasks, you need to get an account. There are two options to obtain an account in CodEx
For CUNI students

Please access the SIS registration page: You will be asked to verify your account, then click verify. If everything is fine, you could proceed to create your own account by following the instruction.
For non-CUNI students
Please send an email to Admin to request an account. He will create the account for you. Your account is added to MT talks group by default.
How to login and join a group

Once you have your login alias/password, come back to the login page: After logging in, you are directed to the welcome page which displays all documentations and news that relates to your account.
On the left hand column, there is an internal link group. It directs to the list of all groups that you could join. Each group represents one course that you take. When you join a group, you are responsible to do all the exercises which are assigned to that group.

For the sake of MT talks, please join the group MT talks if you have not done it.(shown in pictures: list of groups)
How to pick, solve and submit solutions
After joining a group, you are able to see all the exercises assigned to that group. On left-handed column, under group -> task, you will see three options associated with read the specification, submit a new solution and manage old submissions

For every exercise, please read the specification carefully. You are supposed to write a complete program in a programming language. The list of programming languages is: Pascal, C, C++, C#, Haskell, Python and Java
You solution has to fit in one single file with standard input/output. The program takes only one parameter, which is the name of a input file.
To submit a solution, there are two ways:
- Upload from text area: You write your solution into the text box, select the extension according to your programming language, then submit.
- Upload from file: Simply write your solution into a file with an appropriate extension and submit
In the evaluation process, your program is run several times with several input to validate the correctness. You will pass if your program success a threshold number of times.
Exercise Hello World!: Your task is to write a program which read the name of a person and say 'Hello' to him/her.
John Marry Marry and Kate
'Ouput: <<standard output >>>
Hello John! Hello Marry! Hello Marry and Kate!
Sample solution: Read the input file line-by-line, trim the string, concatenate the line with "Hello " and "!" then print it.
#!/usr/bin/env python import fileinput if __name__ == '__main__': for line in fileinput.input(): print "Hello {0}!".format(line.strip())
import; import; import; public class helloworld{ public static void main(String[] args) { BufferedReader br = null; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0])); String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println("Hello " + line + "!"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }