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Lecture 3: Pre-processing
Lecture video: web TODO


Overall, the task of data pre-processing is to drop any distinctions that are not important for the output.

Inspecting Text Data

Text Encoding

Two texts that look the same might not be identical. MT systems do not see the strings as humans do but instead, they work with the actual byte representation. Therefore, data pre-processing is a very important step in system development.

Unicode includes a number of special characters which can complicate text processing for an MT system developer. The following table contains examples of some of the more devious characters:

Code Name Description
U+200B Zero-width space An invisible space.
U+200E Left-to-right mark An invisible character used in texts with mixed scripts (e.g. Latin and Arabic) to indicate reading direction.
U+2028 Line separator A Unicode newline which is often not interpreted by text editors (and can be invisible).
U+2029 Paragraph separator Separates paragraphs, implies a new line (also often ignored).

Decode Unicode is a useful webpage with information on Unicode characters.

Often, a file hexdump is the most useful diagnostic tool. E.g. the Linux command xxd provides the necessary functionality.


Unicode often provides many ways how to write a single character. For example, the letter "a" might be written with Latin or Cyrillic script.

Aside from seemingly identical, but differently encoded characters, problems commonly seen in data include:

  • Confusion of 0 (zero) and O (capital letter)
  • Inconsistent letter case: English word I written in lowercase etc. (notorious e.g. in movie subtitles)
  • Various systematic mis-spellings -- all of these variants of "I'll" (I will) were observed in movie subtitles: i'll Ill l'll 1'll 1'11
  • Different symbols for various punctuation (quotes, dashes, apostrophe etc.)

VIM tips

A good text editor is an essential pre-requisite for successful inspection of text data and the implementation of suitable pre-processing. We provide several random tips for the VIM editor:

Set file encoding to UTF-8:

:set encoding=utf8

Show the code of character under cursor:


Set BOM (byte-order mark) for current file:

:set bomb
